SSPP Pastoral Council Members
Fr. George Thayilkuzhithottu MSFS
Ken Halama: Chair -Pastoral Council
Richard Skroch: KofC Rep; Youth Ministry Rep; Sacred Worship Committee
Patti Klimek: Administrative Assistant
Marge Baecker: Religious Education; Sacred Worship Committee
Bill Baxa: Finance Council Rep
Amanda Gierok: School Rep
Katie Lee: Family Life
Janell Halama: Pro-life; PCCW
Ann Miemietz: 3 years, Feb 2025
Virg Gamroth: 2 years, Feb 2026
SSPP Finance Council Members
Fr. George Thayilkuzhithottu MSFS
Patti Klimek
Veronica Slaby
Kari Pedersen
Jason Pieper
Brittney Blasing
Bill Baxa
Ken Halama: Pastoral Council Rep
Amanda Gierok: School Rep
SSPP Building and Grounds Members
Jason Pieper (Chairman)
Scott Miemietz
Joe Bragger
Ken Halama
Dan Filla
Rich Skroch
SJA Parish Council
Fr. George Thayilkuzhithottu MSFS
Betty Halama
Bob Walske
General Info:
The parish pastoral council is a consultative body (Canon 536 §2) by which the Christian faithful of a parish, together with those who have pastoral authority in the parish, “give their help in fostering pastoral activity” (Canon 536 §1). Its work is to be informed and inspired by the vision of the Church, exemplified in the teaching of the Second Vatican Council.
The ways by which it fulfills its shared responsibility are: the spiritual enrichment and growth of its members; the study of the Christian life of the People of God with special attention to their Christian vision, needs and hopes; the discernment of the relationship of the pastoral activity of the parish to the legitimate needs and hope of the parish community; the help in establishing priorities among the various aspects of the pastoral activity of the parish; and the formation of policy and the development of programs of pastoral activity.
Here is a link to the document that governs such bodies according to the 1985 decree: