From the Pastor's Desk:

September 15th,  2024

My Dear Parishioners,



On this Twenty-fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time, 

Our readings tell us that the life of a disciple of the Lord Jesus is to walk the same path as the Master-Teacher. 

That will include facing trial, opposition, and even persecution. The disciple can expect help from the Teacher.

The First Reading today is Isaiah’s description of what he has had to endure as one called by God and also his firm stand that God is with him in the midst of his trials.

In the Gospel, Jesus links suffering with being the Messiah - The Christ, the Chosen and Anointed One of God.

The realization that being a chosen disciple of the Lord Jesus is not merely a matter of saying I believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, the Savior. Our faith must be put into action. We must be willing to walk in the path of the Teacher - by reaching out to others - even if we are ridiculed and possibly persecuted for our allegiance to the Master. 

To realize that if some have treated the Master - Teacher with scorn, verbal abuse, and even physical abuse, we can expect some of the same. We must, however, step out with faith.

Faith is much more than a list of beliefs. Faith implies living out what one believes. It involves action and reflection. One of the modern examples of faith is Saint Mother Teresa of Calcutta. She had faith that was deep. She did not always “feel” the faith she had in the Lord Jesus, but she acted upon her faith. She reached out to the poor, the lowly, and disabled, and she was willing to get involved in their lives, all because of what she believed about her Lord. She modeled her life of service on Jesus’ earthly ministry. She loved others because that is what she saw how her God acted in love. 

She put her faith into action.

May the Lord Jesus continue to strengthen you in faith so that you may live a life that proclaims the Good News to others. 


God Bless You..

Father George, MSFS



Sts. peter & paul Catholic Parish


Twenty-fourth Sunday 

         of Ordinary Time

Weekend Mass Schedule:

Saturday, September 14, 2024...

                                     SSPP  at 5:00 pm



Sunday, September 15, 2024...

                                   SSPP   at 8:15 am

Sunday, September 15, 2024...

                                   SJA  at 10:15 am      




SSPP Saturdays -4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

SJA —Sundays –7:45 am to 8:15 am

For Any Other Time Needed: Please Call the Office for an Appointment at 715-985-2227.


We are looking for two persons to fill two vacancies whose members terms have expired on the SS Peter & Paul Parish Pastoral Council. If you are interested and want to serve the Parish, please contact Father George at 715-985-2227.

Eucharistic Revival:

Eucharistic Revival for  

week of September 15th -- 

    24th Sunday of Ordinary Time

A Minute with Jesus. 

The Vital Connection between the Eucharist and Confession

Part of the greatest preparation we can make to receive Jesus’s Body and Blood is to experience His forgiveness and healing in the 

Sacrament of Reconciliation. 

If sin is in our hearts, there is little room for Christ. Jesus forgives us of our sins in confession, and this frees us and opens our hearts to fulfill the deepest desire of our hearts—to receive Him. 

Receiving Jesus strengthens faith, hope and charity, specifically with a desire to love Him, ourselves, and others.

Let’s pray this right now and every day this week: 

Jesus, please give me the desire to make a good confession as soon as possible.

This week, read how St. John describes the importance of confession in 1 John 1:9.

Understanding the Role of a Lay Leader of Prayer

On Saturday, August 24, 2024, Margaret Baecker had her commission as a Leader of Prayer renewed by Bishop Battersby. Father George endorsed this training so that Marge could continue to assist him in this role, for the benefit of the Parish. These are some of the things for which Leaders of Prayer are carefully trained and authorized, in accord with Diocesan norms; bringing Holy Communion to the sick and homebound; assisting in times of illness or death; conducting a 

Liturgy of the Word with distribution of Communion on weekdays when a priest is

unavailable; Exposing the Blessed Sacrament (without Benediction), if a priest or deacon is not available and leading Prayer Services with adults and children.

Religious and Adult Education:

CCD Catechist Needed:


We are still in need of a Grade 2 CCD teacher. Classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9 am.

We are also in need of a 7th Grade CCD teacher and classes meet on Wednesday evenings at 7 pm. 

Please contact Vanessa Matchey if you are interested in sharing your time & talents with our younger students: or 715-530-3225.

Religious & Adult Education:

CCD Classes for students in Grades K-5 will meet on Sunday, September 22nd, beginning at 9:00 am in the School.

Freshmen & Sophomore Confirmation Classes are on held on Wednesday, September 18th, 2024 at 7:00 pm. Open Gym is at 6:30 pm at the School Gym with Father George.

Junior Confirmation Parent Meeting & Registration:

Will be held on Wednesday, September 18th at 7:00 pm in the School with Father George & Mrs. Baecker.

Junior Confirmation Information:

The Confirmation Mass for all Arcadia Deanery Parishes will take place at SSPP Church at 3:00 pm on Sunday, October 27th, with Bishop Battersby officiating. Our Juniors will begin their final preparation on Wednesday, September 18th, with a Parent-Student session with Father George and Mrs. Baecker.


Reminder: Planned Giving – Leaving a Legacy, Wills, Bequests and Endowments: 

We have inherited such treasures from our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, those whose shoulders we stand on today. Now it is our turn to make sure future generations can enjoy the reverence and beauty of a well-maintained parish. Leveraging the Capital Campaign and providing parishioners with information on Endowments, Trusts and Bequests are just a few ways a parish can help prepare for its future.  Please let us know if you would like more information at 715-985-2227.

mass and reconciliation


Tuesday: 4:30 pm

Friday:  9:00 am 

Sunday:  8:15 am



Tuesday:  8:30 am

Wednesday:  8:30 am

Thursday: 8:30 am

Friday: 7:00 am

Saturday:  4:00 pm (5:00 pm During Daylight Saving Time)

Sunday:  10:15 am


St. John's: Sunday  7:45 - 8:15 am

Sts. Peter & Paul: Saturday 3:00pm –4:00 pm

The Universal Church

Click here to visit the WeShare Online Giving Website