From the Pastor's Desk:

December 1st, 2024

My Dear Parishioners;

This is new year’s day so happy new year! I mean of course in the liturgical sense of today being the first Sunday of Advent. And like we do for the new calendar year, it is a time to make some resolutions, to begin again and to start afresh. 

Today we begin Advent, the time of waiting, the beginning of a new liturgical year. 

Our readings speak about the coming of the Lord God and the need for preparation. The passage from Jeremiah is a message of hope and encouragement to the people experiencing a time of trial (the Exile and persecution). In speaking to His disciples in the words of today’s Gospel, Jesus proclaims a time when the Son of Man will come again, and He warns His disciples to be ready. 

The Gospel passage from St Luke also highlights another aspect of life that we know to be true: Namely that all things pass away and that the only thing that is permanent is God’s promises and love. 

This is Advent, that is, a time of renewal — rededicating ourselves to what is most essential in our lives as followers of the One Who came and Who is coming again. It is particularly hard to do this in our modern society which is focused on celebrating holidays. 

We are given about three and a half weeks to retreat from the busy-ness of the world and focus on what life is truly all about. Yes, we must be joy-filled, but not with a false sense of merriment, but with the sense of the life that God wants us to have, a life with the Lord Jesus Who has come, and Who is coming again. 

May you keep your focus on the true meaning of this season as you await the coming of the Lord Jesus. And may your life be a proclamation of your belief in Jesus’ life and ministry of justice and peace. Amen! 

God Bless You,

Father George, MSFS


Sts. peter & paul Catholic Parish



Weekend Mass Schedule:

Saturday, December 7, 2024...

                                 SSPP  at 4:00 pm


Sunday, December 8, 2024...

                                   SJA   at 8:15 am

Sunday, December 8, 2024...

                             SSSPP  at 10:15 am




SSPP Saturdays -4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

SJA —Sundays –7:45 am to 8:15 am

For Any Other Time Needed: Please Call the Office for an Appointment at 715-985-2227.


"Happy 150th Anniversary to SS Peter & Paul Parish!"

Catholics Be Aware!

Netflix's upcoming "Mary" film (Dec 6)

seriously misrepresents Catholic teaching about Our Blessed Mother. 

Here's what you need to know.

The film makes three major errors based on the

trailer and interviews about the movie:

• Portrays Mary & Joseph's marriage as romantic rather than chaste and divinely ordained

• Shows Mary doubting God's plan

• Denies the miraculous nature of Christ's birth

These portrayals contradict fundamental Catholic doctrines about Our Lady's perpetual virginity, Immaculate Conception, and perfect correspondence with God's grace.

Eucharistic Revival:

Eucharistic Revival for  

week of December 1st --

First Sunday of Advent

 A Minute with Jesus.....

 A Minute with Jesus: 

Jesus came into the world to save us by reconciling us with God. Through the original sin, Adam and Eve separated themselves from God. They lost the gift of grace – God’s very life within them. They were no longer united with God in a relationship of love. 

Further, there was nothing Adam and Eve, or you and I, could do to fix the problems instigated by the original sin, above all, our separation from God. 

The “Good News” is that Jesus came to be among us as our Savior, to reconcile us with God. To accomplish this, Christ established one Church and instituted seven sacraments. 

Still today the sacraments are the means through which we receive God’s gift of grace, His divine life within us. This shows how much God loves us: He wants to be so close that He wants to dwell within us! 

The Holy Eucharist is the greatest of the sacraments by bringing us into the closest union with Jesus on Earth. 

Let us prepare our hearts before Mass every Sunday for so great a Gift! 

Let’s pray this right now and every day this week: 

Jesus, thank You for coming for us on the first Christmas, as well as Your coming to us most especially in the Holy Eucharist on Christmas. This week, read how the prophet Isaiah announced the coming of the Messiah in Isaiah 11:1-3. 

Church Tours....

During the Christmas season, when our church is decorated so beautifully, it has become a tradition that church tours are

given. A description of the decorations, brief history of the church and walk about the building will be done after 4pm Mass on

Saturdays, Dec 21 and Dec.28 and

after Mass on Sundays Dec. 22 and

Dec. 29.

Please join us and invite friends and family!



Reminder: Planned Giving – Leaving a Legacy, Wills, Bequests and Endowments: 

We have inherited such treasures from our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, those whose shoulders we stand on today. Now it is our turn to make sure future generations can enjoy the reverence and beauty of a well-maintained parish. Leveraging the Capital Campaign and providing parishioners with information on Endowments, Trusts and Bequests are just a few ways a parish can help prepare for its future.  Please let us know if you would like more information at 715-985-2227.

mass and reconciliation


Tuesday: 4:30 pm

Friday:  9:00 am 

Sunday:  8:15 am



Tuesday:  8:30 am

Wednesday:  8:30 am

Thursday: 8:30 am

Friday: 7:00 am

Saturday:  4:00 pm (5:00 pm During Daylight Saving Time)

Sunday:  10:15 am


St. John's: Sunday  7:45 - 8:15 am

Sts. Peter & Paul: Saturday 3:00pm –4:00 pm

The Universal Church

Click here to visit the WeShare Online Giving Website