From the Pastor's Desk:

July 21st, 2024

My Dear Parishioners,

This is the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Two things come from our readings today. The abundant and gracious feeding of God's people and the call to unity. Together these themes remind us that God's graciousness extends beyond our normal expectations and that same graciousness is the source that can draw us together.

The First Reading describes the multiplication of loaves during the time of the prophet Elisha.

In the Gospel, Jesus feeds the crowd of thousands by multiplying five barley loaves and a couple of fish.

The account of the multiplication of barley loaves in the First Reading was chosen to parallel the Gospel reading. It, like the Gospel, demonstrates the graciousness of God. Not only is a small amount of bread able to completely satisfy the hunger of many - but there are leftovers. God's graciousness is truly more generous than anyone coils expect.

Communion - being in union with is the focus of today. As people experience the overabundant graciousness of God - as the Lord Jesus continues to satisfy all the hunger they experience, it is then that they are called to be in communion - be one not only with the Lord Jesus, but also with one another. Sharing a meal with another person not only says that we want to partake of the same life-giving nourishment, but we also want to share in each other's lives.

When the meal is provided by God, then the call to be one is all the more present. God wants all those who reeived the gifts of divine providence to be united. He is truly gracious. He abundantly pours out blessings on all those who seek divine help. God nourishes the holy people who come together in the name of the Lord Jesus. Jesus prayed for the unity of all of His flock at the Last Supper on the night before He died. 

May you continue to pray and work for the unity of all who call upon the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit as our one God.


God Bless You, 

Father George, MSFS


Sts. peter & paul Catholic Parish


Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time

Weekend Mass Schedule:

Saturday, July 27, 2024...

                                       SSPP  at 5:00 pm

Sunday, July 28, 2024...

                                        SJA   at 8:15 am

Sunday, July 28, 2024...

                                        SSPP  at 10:15 am       



SSPP Saturdays -4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

SJA —Sundays –7:45 am to 8:15 am

For Any Other Time Needed: Please Call the Office for an Appointment at 715-985-2227.

Eucharistic Revival:

Eucharistic Revival for  

week of July 28 -- 17th Sunday of Ordinary Time

A Minute with Jesus. 

 A Minute with Jesus: 

The Eucharist is called Holy Communion

When we receive Holy Communion at Mass, we are receiving Jesus Himself, which is our closest union with Him on earth. As we receive Jesus’ Body and Blood into our own body and soul, we are united with Him in a deep and intimate bond.  Jesus feeds our soul, strengthening us to be faithful by following Him and loving and serving Him through serving others, particularly those in need.

Let’s pray this right now and every day this week:  

Jesus, thank you for the incredible treasure of Holy Communion in which You allow us to be united with You in the closest possible bond of friendship and love.

This week, read how Jesus encourages us to “remain” in Him in John 15:4-5. 

Religious and Adult Education:

CCD Catechists Needed:

We are looking for adults who may be interested in teaching CCD students in Grades 2-6-7 for the upcoming year. Grade 2 classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am and Grades 6-7 meet on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 pm to 8:15 pm. Please contact Vanessa Matchey if you're interested in sharing your time & talents with our younger students: or 715-530-3225. Thank you!

Freshmen & Sophomore Confirmation:

Students are asked to help out at our Church Festival which is next weekend. We are asking that each students work a shift in the dining room on Sunday, August 4th: 11-12:30 pm or 12:30 -2:00 pm. This is one of the requirements for Confirmation service hours. Additional information has been e-mailed to parents. 

SS. Peter & Paul Parish Fall Festival News:

The Dates are: NEXT WEEKEND

Saturday, August 3rd, 2024

and Sunday, August 4th, 2024. 

Fall Festival Set-Up will be on Thursday, August 1, 2024 at the SSPP grounds from 6:30 pm until the work has been completed. We would appreciate your help, time and talents!

ROLL OUT THE BARREL is happily accepting donations for our booth. They may be dropped off at the office at SS Peter & Paul School from July 8th to July 31st, or you can contact either Lisa Guza at 715-530-0590, or Renee Guza at 715-495-6180 for drop off or pick up. Thank you for your generosity!

We are in need of BINGO Workers for Sunday's BINGO under the big tent. Please contact LaVonne & Jim Puchalla at 715-985-3788.

The SSPP Dining Room is in need of Waiters and Waitresses for our SSPP Fall Fest. We would appreciate your services in the dining room by contacting: Angie Sylla at 715-797-0375 and Sandi Brandt at 715-797-2364.

We are looking for quilts for the Quilt Raffle this year's Fall Festival. Please contact Julie Pronschinske or the Rectory if you would like to donate a quilt for the quilt booth. Much appreciation!

Fall Festival Dinner Donations of any monetary amounts, and any food items including garden vegetables are appreciated for the Fall Festival Dinner. Also, if any one is interested in donating a case of chicken, please contact the Dinner Chair-persons-Dean & Brenda Suchla at 715-985-3654. They would be happy to hear from you! Don't forget to hand in your $20.00 donation for dinner expenses at the ticket booth. Thank you for your generosity!

We are in need of volunteer helpers for the Fall Festival events. It takes many hands of generous people to make things happen and have our Fall Festival to be successful. Thank you for your consideration and help! Middle school and High school students can earn their service hours by helping out at the Fall Festival.

Everyone loves to win a cake....

The Sucker Spree-Cake Walk is in need of more beautiful cakes for this event. If you donated cakes for the past  Fall Festival's please consider a cake or two this year as a donation toward this booth. PLAIN Angel Food cakes are appreciated toward this donation. Thanks! The Klimek's


on Saturday, August 3rd and Sunday, August 4th to make this Fall Festival successful! Please consider donating your time and talents!! It's a fun time for all ages!!!

 Catholic Kids for Christ Camp 

at SS Peter & Paul Catholic School:

Wednesday, August 7th....All Day

Thursday, August 8th........All Day

Friday, August 9th..............All Day


Reminder: Planned Giving – Leaving a Legacy, Wills, Bequests and Endowments: 

We have inherited such treasures from our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, those whose shoulders we stand on today. Now it is our turn to make sure future generations can enjoy the reverence and beauty of a well-maintained parish. Leveraging the Capital Campaign and providing parishioners with information on Endowments, Trusts and Bequests are just a few ways a parish can help prepare for its future.  Please let us know if you would like more information at 715-985-2227.

mass and reconciliation


Tuesday: 4:30 pm

Friday:  9:00 am 

Sunday:  8:15 am



Tuesday:  8:30 am

Wednesday:  8:30 am

Thursday: 8:30 am

Friday: 7:00 am

Saturday:  4:00 pm (5:00 pm During Daylight Saving Time)

Sunday:  10:15 am


St. John's: Sunday  7:45 - 8:15 am

Sts. Peter & Paul: Saturday 3:00pm –4:00 pm

The Universal Church

Click here to visit the WeShare Online Giving Website