From the Pastor's Desk:

October 20th, 2024

My Dear Parishioners,

This is the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in 

Ordinary Time. Three key concepts are present-ed for our thought today: servanthood, suffering, and redemption. They are integrally linked not only in the life of Jesus, but in our lives.

Today’s First Reading speaks of how the suffering of the Servant of God leads to justification for the multitude and ultimate glory for the Servant.

The Gospel is the account of James and John asking Jesus for places of honor in His reign. Jesus responds to them, show-ing they are asking the wrong question. Honor and glory come from suffering and being a servant, not from sitting at a 

special place and being served.

Reflecting on Jesus as the suffering and Redeeming Servant is absolutely important. It does not, however, end there. Our thinking about what Jesus has done and continues to do for us should open our eyes and motivate us to be true disciples of the Master. 

It should give us encouragement when we suffer. It should lead us to be servants.

If we want to be sharers in the joyful 

blessings in the reign of God, we must be willing to follow the example of our Teacher in our living out our faith in serving and ministering to others. Instead of expecting to be served and thinking of ourselves, we should think of others and see how we can bring them the experience of God’s loving and serving them. When we have to give of ourselves by dying to self in service of others, in suffering, and ultimately in our own death, it is then that we are most closely united with our Suffering Servant/Messiah. It is then that our eyes will be open to what it means for us to have redemption through the life, ministry, death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus.

The best example of a Servant - Leader is Jesus.

Even though He is the Son of God, part of the Blessed Trinity, nothing is beneath Him. He has come to truly serve rather than be served.

He should be our model for leadership.

May you continue to imitate our Teacher Who came to serve rather than be served.


God Bless You..

Father George, MSFS



Sts. peter & paul Catholic Parish


Twenty-eighth Sunday 

         of Ordinary Time

Weekend Mass Schedule:

Saturday, October 19, 2024...

                                 SSPP  at 5:00 pm


Sunday, October 20, 2024...

                                   SJA   at 8:15 am

Sunday, October 20, 2024...

                             SSSPP  at 10:15 am      




SSPP Saturdays -4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

SJA —Sundays –7:45 am to 8:15 am

For Any Other Time Needed: Please Call the Office for an Appointment at 715-985-2227.


"Happy 150th Anniversary to SS Peter & Paul Parish!"

Eucharistic Revival:

Eucharistic Revival for  

week of October 20 -- 

    29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

A Minute with Jesus.

Receiving the Eucharist is our Closest Union with Jesus on Earth

God will never stop loving me. Our heavenly Father speaks these words to me in the Bible: 

“My steadfast (unwavering, always ongoing) love shall not depart from you” (Isaiah 54:10). 

God proved His love for me in this way: “God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that whoever believes in Him may not die but may have eternal life” (John 3:16). God’s boundless love includes Jesus establishing one Church and instituting seven sacraments so that we may be united with Him. The closest union we can have with Jesus on earth is receiving the Eucharist – His own body and blood.

Let’s pray this right now and every day this week: 

Heavenly Father, help me to know

how much You truly love me. This week, read how nothing can separate us from the love of Jesus Christ except our own choice to reject His love in Romans 8:35, 37-38.

Religious and Adult Education

Junior Confirmation Information:

The Confirmation Mass for all Arcadia Deanery Parishes will take place at SSPP Church at 3:00 pm on Sunday, October 27th, with Bishop Battersby officiating.


Reminder: Planned Giving – Leaving a Legacy, Wills, Bequests and Endowments: 

We have inherited such treasures from our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, those whose shoulders we stand on today. Now it is our turn to make sure future generations can enjoy the reverence and beauty of a well-maintained parish. Leveraging the Capital Campaign and providing parishioners with information on Endowments, Trusts and Bequests are just a few ways a parish can help prepare for its future.  Please let us know if you would like more information at 715-985-2227.

mass and reconciliation


Tuesday: 4:30 pm

Friday:  9:00 am 

Sunday:  8:15 am



Tuesday:  8:30 am

Wednesday:  8:30 am

Thursday: 8:30 am

Friday: 7:00 am

Saturday:  4:00 pm (5:00 pm During Daylight Saving Time)

Sunday:  10:15 am


St. John's: Sunday  7:45 - 8:15 am

Sts. Peter & Paul: Saturday 3:00pm –4:00 pm

The Universal Church

Click here to visit the WeShare Online Giving Website