From the Pastor's Desk:

May 19th, 2024

My Dear Parishioners,

On this Pentecost Sunday,

people throughout the world

will gather to celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit. We celebrate the empowerment of the apostles and disciples so that they can then go out and continue the ministry of the Risen and Ascended Lord Jesus. This is a truly special day and a fitting close to the Easter Season. Yet, we do not just celebrate what happened nearly two thousand years ago. We also remember that we are part of the apostolic church

and therefore have the privilege and obligation to continue the work of the Lord Jesus by furthering the ministry of Jesus and proclaiming the Good News. Each of us who call ourselves Christian are

commissioned to use the gifts which God has given us for the

spread of the faith. We are also 

empowered to carry the Gospel to others, to those in our families, to those in our work place/school, to those who are in need of help throughout the world.

Today’s First Reading tells us that the promise of Jesus has been fulfilled. While staying with them, He had ordered them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait there for the promise of the Father. In obedience to Jesus, the disciples gathered together in Jerusalem and experienced the divine sign. The

disciples did receive the gift of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Day.

The Gospel tells us of the happenings immediately after the Resurrection. Jesus suddenly appears to the disciples, gives them peace and gives them the

Holy Spirit. With this they get the power to forgive sins of people and reconcile them.

The feast of Pentecost marks the beginning of the Church. The activity of the Spirit was the core understanding of the early church. The Spirit instructed the early missionaries and guided the proclamation of the mission of 

salvation. It was responsible for the

conversions into new faith, gave them strength in times of persecutions, was the inspiration of the early journeys of Paul and others and was responsible for

the inclusion of non-Jews into the church. This feast rounds off the tremendous mysteries that we have

been commemorating since Holy Week - the Passion, the Death, the Resurrection and Ascension of Jesus culminates in the sending of the Spirit of the Father and the Son on His disciples. This feast has been the extraordinary intervention of God into our lives by what we can only call the “mystery” of Christ. Today’s feast indicates that it is an ongoing reality, which still touches our lives every single day.

May you continue to be filled with the Holy Spirit so you may use the gifts which God has given you for

the building up of the community of believers. Amen!

God Bless You,

Father George, MSFS


Sts. peter & paul Catholic Parish


Soft Opening of SS Peter & Paul Church Hall Reception following these Masses: 

Sat., May 18th after 5:00 pm Mass 

Sun., May 19th after 10:15 am Mass 

Welcome Everyone!!! 

Weekend Mass Schedule:

Saturday, May 18, 2024...

                                       SSPP  at 5:00 pm

Sunday, May 19, 2024...

                                        SJA   at 8:15 am

Sunday, May 19, 2024...

                                        SSPP  at 10:15 am


      Corpus Christi Procession


St. John the Apostle Parish 


SS Peter & Paul Parish

Sunday, June 2nd~~After the 10:15 am MASS

      at SS Peter & Paul 

        Catholic Church                                           


SSPP Saturdays -4:00 pm to 5:00 pm

SJA —Sundays –7:45 am to 8:15 am

For Any Other Time Needed: Please Call the Office for an Appointment at 715-985-2227.

Eucharistic Revival:

A Minute with Jesus during the Eucharistic Revival week of May 19th —"Pentecost Sunday"

A Minute with Jesus during the Eucharistic Revival The Holy Spirit and the Eucharist...

Even after the Apostles had experienced the Risen Christ, they were afraid. They gathered with Mary on the day of Pentecost and prayed behind locked doors, waiting as instructed for the Gift of the Holy Spirit. After the Holy Spirit descended upon them on Pentecost, the Apostles were no longer afraid and were equipped to fulfill their mission. It is the same for us today. When we receive the Eucharist, we also receive God the Holy Spirit, to abide in the depths of our hearts. If we allow Him, the Spirit of Truth will transform us and we will no longer be afraid, but be equipped with peace and strength for our mission. Let us then prepare for each Eucharistic encounter in the same way the Apostles prepared for Pentecost, “in prayer with Mary....” (ACTS 1: 14).

Let’s pray this right now and every day this week: 

The Sequence for Pentecost

SS. Peter & Paul Parish Fall Festival 

is fast approaching 

and the dates are: 

Saturday, August 3rd, 2024

and Sunday, August 4th, 2024. 

Mark the dates on your calendar!


Reminder: Planned Giving – Leaving a Legacy, Wills, Bequests and Endowments: We have inherited such treasures from our parents, grandparents and great-grandparents, those whose shoulders we stand on today. Now it is our turn to make sure future generations can enjoy the reverence and beauty of a well-maintained parish. Leveraging the Capital Campaign and providing parishioners with information on Endowments, Trusts and Bequests are just a few ways a parish can help prepare for its future.  Please let us know if you would like more information at 715-985-2227.

Pilgrimage to Poland-

See the Catholic Treasure of Poland

Please join us on a pilgrimage to Poland! 

Highlights include Jasna Gora Monastery, home of Our Lady of Czestochowa, the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy and the Divine Mercy Image, the Museum and Chapel of St. Maximilian Kolbe, the cell where he was martyred in Auschwitz, the birthplace and baptismal Church of St. John Paul, Wawel Cathedral where he was ordained a Bishop and so much more! Daily Mass. 

October 3-12, 2024. 

Cost: $3695 per person based on double occupancy. 

$150 discount if you enter coupon code Bulletin150

on the registration form. For more information, please

visit or call us at 1-800-213-4295.

mass and reconciliation


Tuesday: 4:30 pm

Friday:  9:00 am 

Sunday:  8:15 am



Tuesday:  8:30 am

Wednesday:  8:30 am

Thursday: 8:30 am

Friday: 7:00 am

Saturday:  4:00 pm (5:00 pm During Daylight Saving Time)

Sunday:  10:15 am


St. John's: Sunday  7:45 - 8:15 am

Sts. Peter & Paul: Saturday 3:00pm –4:00 pm

The Universal Church

Click here to visit the WeShare Online Giving Website